"beam me up scotty"
Three or four years ago, a young man pleaded guilty in a Regina courtroom to a charge of possession of marijuana. Before passing sentence, the judge delivered a lengthy sermon on the dangers of drugs, then asked the accused if he had anything to say.
The accused pulled his wallet from his back pocket, flipped it open, held it in front of his mouth and said in a loud voice: "Scotty, beam me up!"
Around the same time, 3,000 miles away in Newfoundland, a similar drama unfolded. It was witnessed by Judge Seamus B. O'Regan, of the District Court of Newfoundland, before he went on the Bench. He sends this report:
A young, long-haired university student had been convicted for having 'in his possession' a rather substantial amount of grass. It was obvious that the trial judge would have preferred to have convicted him of trafficking had the Crown been able to prove the offence. From the demeanor of the accused, it was obvious that he was treating the matter rather lightly.
Having entered conviction, but before passing sentence, the judge hinted at the fact that he was considering a custodial term. He asked the accused if he had anything to say before the passing of what appeared to be a rather harsh sentence.
Realizing his predicament, the accused looked down, unzipped his jacket, poked his head inside, and in a voice loud enough for the whole courtroom to hear, said: "Hurry up. Scottie! Beam me up!"
"Grave yard statue"
A marble gravestone in an old deserted cemetery in West Virginia was the legend trip site for a particular group of young adults in the vicinity. The marble statue was of a seated lady, her hands outstretched to all that pass by the resting place. The legend stated that the woman in the grave had died of a broken heart when jilted by her fiancé. The legend trip was an initiation rite: new members had to spend the night sitting in the statue's lap. But the last time anyone tried this, the young woman who sat in the statue's lap met with a tragedy. The difference, you see, was that the young woman was a direct descendant of the fiancé!
The next morning the young girl was discovered, still sitting in the statue's lap. She was dead. On her body were found marks as though she had been held in a superhuman clutch. Perhaps the seated lady had gained revenge.
"Turkey Anyone?"
This story was told to me by a friend who heard it on the news on the radio about a year or so ago. It is a factual account.
There was a girl and she was baby-sitting. The parents had gone out to a very big party and had left this infant at home with this sixteen-year-old girl. So she was babysitting and they phoned just to see if everything was all right. She said, "Oh, fine. Everything's great. The turkey's in the oven. The mother went, "Oh, okay, fine," and she hung up. Then she looked at her husband and went, "The turkey's in the oven? We didn't have a turkey!" He said, "What's the matter?" So they decided they had better go home and see what was the matter. Maybe there was something wrong with the babysitter.
They excused themselves from the party and went home. So they walked in the house and saw the baby-sitter sitting in the chair freaking out. She had put the little infant in the oven and had thought it was a turkey.
"the little boy who wet"
The most horrible tale I remember concerned "the little boy who wet." Depending on the version, he was two or three years old. Despite scoldings, he resisted toilet training until his exasperated mother warned: "If you don't learn, I'm going to cut if off."
Unfortunately, she was overheard by the boy's older sister. So one day, when the children's mother was away, the boy wet again, and the girl took up a pair of shears and cut it off. He almost bled to death.
"Warning - MUST READ"
Be careful the next time you go to a cinema. These people could be anywhere!! An experience of a friend of my brother's wife left me speechless. Please do send this out to everyone you know. This incident occurred in Bombay's Metro cinema (Among the best in town).
They were a group of 6-7 College girls & they went to the theater to see a movie. During the show one of the girls felt a slight pinprick but did not pay much attention to it. After sometime that place began to itch. So she scratched herself and then saw a bit of blood on her hands. She assumed that she had caused it. At the end of the show, her friend noticed a sticker on her dress and read the caption. It read "Welcome to the world of AIDS". She tried to pass it off as a practical joke but when she went for a blood test a couple of weeks later (just to be sure), she found herself HIV Positive.
When she complained to the cops, they mentioned that her story was one of the many such cases they had received. It seems the operator uses a syringe to transfer a bit of his/her infected blood to the person sitting ahead of him/her. A horrible experience for the victim as also the family & friends. The WORST bit is that the person who does it gains NOTHING where as the victim loses EVERYTHING.
So, be careful . . .
"In a 1996 interview, Mariah Carey said the following":
"When I watch TV and see those poor starving kids all over the world, I can't help but cry. I mean, I'd love to be skinny like that, but not with all those flies and death and stuff."