My nephew Blair was killed in a tragic auto accident March 13, 1993. His parents were on vacation in Tennessee with another couple. My brother at the time was a OPP officer and also the other man that was with them. They were sitting in the Grand Ole Opry House waiting for the show to begin when they were approached by a State Police officer to go with them, their had been an accident. They were told about the tragic accident and that Blair was dead.
The weather was bad, they drove back immediately, stopping only for gas. We have a large family, and some of us were waiting for him when he arrived. His other son and daughter were anxious for there parents return. I remember sitting with my brother, the two of us listening to "Tears in Heaven".
My nephew Blair was quite talented, he played guitar, he was an artist and left behind beautiful drawings. His death was quite dramatic, as we had lost our mother just before Christmas. Also my nephew had shoulder length beautiful hair, which my brother was always telling him to cut. My brother and his wife were left broken.
This year, the week before the anniversary of his death, my brother was traveling home from his new job, he spotted a hitch hiker, which he never in the past has picked up. He saw guitar case in hand, long hair etc., and felt obliged to pick him up. They had talked back and forth, the hitchhiker telling him that he just lost his job. My brother asked him if he played hard rock, he answered that he used to but now plays camp fire songs. My brother enjoyed the small talk with him, and was letting him out of the car, as my brother was nearing his home. As the hitchhiker went to close the door, he turned and said "By the way my name is Blair".
"Angel Joe"
My name is Gloria, On July 29, 1997 approximate time 2:30 p.m. an extraordinary event happened in my life.
I was new in this small town of Oakridge, OR. I had just moved here from Las Vegas, Nevada on Feb. 14, 1997. I had met a nice lady, who was working in our local grocery store. We got to talking. I invited her to come to my home, for a visit, since I did not know anyone in town. This woman's name is Maria. Fate had brought us together.
The day she came to visit, was the day, our outlook on life, would change forever. I had just hung up the phone, which the caller had upset me, when Maria arrived at my door. Maria was sitting at my kitchen table, facing the living room and I had my back to this room. When she sat down for our visit, her very words to me were, Gloria if you don't calm down, you are going to have a heart attack. Just as she said those words, I noticed she was making very strange faces. Her eyes were getting bigger and a disturbing look was on her face. I was thinking to myself, what on earth is this woman looking at.
When I turned to look in the direction she was, I saw a side view of a person from the shoulders down. I could not believe what I was seeing, so I looked back at Maria and looked again to this image, I thought I saw, and it was gone. I asked Maria what she was looking at, before I told her what I saw. She said, Gloria I was afraid to say something to you. I saw a man appear, by your living room floor lamp, I did not see him walk in, he just appeared. I thought you had company and forgot to mention it to me. That's when I looked her in the eye, and said I saw someone too, but only a side view from the shoulder's down. We both were somewhat scared, I told her no one else, is in this house but you and me. We then changed the subject.
The next morning I received a phone call from Maria. She seemed somewhat disturbed, she asked me if I remembered the incident, of the man she saw in my home yesterday. I said yes, why? She said he appeared in a dream ( she thought a dream at the time) and he said these words. "Be there for her. You are strong, you are her friend, she needs you." I said what did you say, she said, I told him ok. He said "No it's not ok, this is for real." Then she said, he disappeared.
I remembered an incident, that happened to my children five months after my dad's death. At that time, I was a skeptic person about ghost, spirit's etc. I had my first experience with telepathy, I heard voices tell me "Tell the grandchildren if they see Grandpa not to be afraid." Of course I did not respond to their wish, and he did appear to them, but this is another story.
I related Maria's experience, to that time 12 years ago. I asked Maria if she would recognize this man, if she was shown a picture. She said yes, Gloria he is like you and me, in the flesh, so real, not like a dream, but it had to be a dream. Maria did not know me, we had just visited the day before. My parents were never mentioned. She did not know they were dead. I had asked her if she could come by and look at some photo's. I had found a picture of my father Joe and his two brothers, sitting in front of my dad's house. When I put this picture in front of Maria, she did not hesitate and pointed, to the man in the middle. I got the biggest goose bumps and told her, that was my dad, and he had been dead for 12 years. Maria was so scared, she said what does he want. I proceeded to tell her, about the story with the grandchildren. I told her my father must have a message for me. If you are afraid of him, then I will understand and tell him to come to me. I have written a story on all of this. I will try and sum it up, so this isn't as long. Maria decided to stay with this experience, that was so unbelievable at the time. We found out that I wasn't allowed to see my father, and that Maria was chosen, to become our messenger for my father and me. He explains, why he chose me, out of his nine children to come back too and why. I don't want to rewrite my story here, but just wanted to explain how this all come about and share some messages with people. I don't expect anyone to believe and those people that do, are ones that have had similar experiences. This is my experience and this is all true. He has shown me proof of his communication, by his apparition in a photo. A flower, Three gold medallion's, one with the lord, on one side and the virgin Mary, on the other side. The other two medallion's are of the guardian angel and the wings of love. I want to end with two messages, I have received from him.
"There is no heaven or hell, we are all the same here, there are no races here, that's what makes it so beautiful. Always forgive the ones that hurt you and you will win life all the way around and that is a good feeling."
As of this writing, I am still communicating with my father, Angel Joe. I would love to hear from anyone, whether it be positive or negative. May God Bless you ALL.
"Always with you"
On August 4, 1999, my grandfather passed away. I come from a very large family and he had always told me that I was his favorite grandchild. His death was very upsetting because he was only 63 years old.
After my grandfather passed away myself and my family were staying with my grandmother to comfort her so she wouldn't be in the house alone. One night there were quite a few people staying with her, so my parents insisted that I come home. It was late and not a safe neighborhood, so against the will of my parents I stayed at my grandparents house.
Just as everyone settled for bed I went to a picture of my grandfather that my grandmother had set up with two candles beside them, as I gently blew out both candles and went to bed.
Around 4:am, my car alarm went off and I was terrified, but I peaked out the window and saw a man in a white tee-shirt in my car with the door open. I immediately called 911 and woke everyone up, and we all carefully peeked through this window and saw what appeared to be a robber. Later the cops arrived and I went outside with them to see the damage that was done to my car, and as I approached my vehicle, I noticed that it was completely untouched. The cop told me that they would take finger prints, but the dew on the door handle hadn't even been touched; they told me it was probably my imagination, although my imagination did not make the car alarm go off.
After the cops left I felt silly and decided that there was nothing more for me to do but go to sleep. I back and laid on the couch facing the wall. Still anxious I realized I couldn't get any sleep; so I turned over onto my other side, when I saw that the candle lights I had turned off hours ago were lit again. The wax hadn't even been burned long. I questioned everyone and no one had turned on those candles. I am not sure exactly how to interpret this experience, but I will never forget it, I've even still got the police report. Maybe he protected me from the robber, or just wanted to prove to us that even without him he would be with us and we were secure. It certainly in my eyes was an unbelievable experience.