Hey Guys,
Thanks for visiting my page...again, and again for Jess imparticular who has visited it about 50 times this week. I know the pictures are embarrasing, the stories weird. and the jokes...wel quite pathetic but you guys seem to be coming back. Must be humouring me. Any ways this page is a new page that is gonna be updated the most out of the whole website. Its gonna be my thoughts on the page, and credits to the people that have helped me, and inspired me to make it. I think Im gonna have to individually thank everyone so...here I go...
L A U R A: Laura, Laura, Laura...what can I say, she's my best friend. There's a million reason's why, and not enough room in my whole website to say all of them, but I'll start with the stuff that matters. Anyone who knows her will tell you that she radiates this happiness where ever she goes. Go into a room with her, and you'll be guarenteed to come out with a grin from cheek to cheek. She know how to hit your funny bone, and never fails to crack people up, but still that only shows about 1% of what she really is. She's the kindest person you'll meet, the funniest person you'll happen to come across, and the one person your likelty to remember and hold in you heart for ever. Cause I know I have, and more than certain everyone who has met her agrees. What can I say? She doesnt have to run into a locker to get me to laugh either!
L A U R E N:
I used to be prettey good mates with Lauren last year (or atleast I thought so). We talked about Ghost's in English, Mini Heart attacks in Maths, Mr Cartwrights Laugh in Science, and I guess in all the other subjects, we talked about anything! She was someone I could relate to, she was one of the kindest people (despite a journal entree epidode in English which could prove me wrong), and she still is one of the kindest people I know. Even though were not as good friends as we were, she's still remembered in me, for everything she was and still is, a kind hearted, unselfish, easy to talk to, good friend!
M I S H A:
Now Misha is one of my Oldest friends. She was there through the end of Primary School, there on the first day of highschool, and still here. Sometimes I wonder why she hasnt run away screaming, after saying hello to her, maybe shes just being polite, making me feel good, but if she is shes doin a damn good job. Now polite, kind in heart, and unselfish as they come, (not to mention paranoid-nah just jokes)Misha is truely one of those people on the earth that will not judge anyone, untill she knows them, and I respect that!
K A T H E R I N E:
We Share a philosophical bond...most importantly our philosophys on guys... I cant say more then recite this quote that I know she'll apprectiate:
What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters,
compared to what lies within us.
Alot Lies within you that I admire.
Everyone I have mentioned here on this page, are truly some of those few remarkable people You'll ever meet in your life time!
Well Thats about it for now, im really tired, im sorry for anyone i missed out, and I'll definitly finish them all soon. Well Good bye for now everyone, and remember...
Yesterday is history.
Tomorrow is mystery.
Today is a gift.
That is why they call it the present.
Rest Ezy